Women Who <>GIVE<>GIVE<>GIVE<>(and still take care of themselves): #5 Lara Heacock

In this interview series, we'll hear from powerful women who give, give, give.  In our short chats together we discuss how they are giving of their hearts to this world AND how they take care of themselves in the midst of all that output.

Each woman has some special tips for you to apply to your own life as you pour your heart into your life's purpose.  

Lara Heacock from www.kindovermatter.com has undergone her own transformation from the strong one holding everyone else up, determined to maintain the image that she had everything perfectly under control, and could do it all to being kind to and taking care of herself, and seeing EVERYTHING change because of it.  

Today learn about:

<> How she goes from overwhelm to a really centered place with her easy to implement self care tips.

<> Why big steps are the enemy of progress

<> How even if you don’t believe it, that putting you somewhere on your list will change your life.

<>  How Lara is still successful and very busy but also feels better because she trusted and acted as if.

We’d love to hear what ideas in this video might be useful for you in your own life in the comments below. Enjoy!!


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